You hear that? The sound of exotica music playing in the distance? Is your liver starting to tremble with fear of an impending hangover? That’s right Tiki Oasis is not to far away and for Krakatoa Katie and Bamboo Brodie, this will be our first year. What you do not know about Bamboo Brodie is he is a bit of a planner. So I have been digging through everything I can to gather tips to prepare myself for what is to come. So why not share this wealth of info with you!

First things first, let us talk about packing. I don’t know about you but this is always the most stressful part of preparing for a trip. “Did I remember to pack my charger? Do I have enough underwear?!?!” Well don’t worry, Bamboo Brodie did a bit of askin’ and I have a nice little list for you.

  • Sun Screen: I mean come on! You’re about to spend five GLORIOUS days next to the pool… in the sun… drinking! I know I know, “I don’t like sun screen and I am a golden god so I do not burn.” Well sorry to break the news to you sport, you’re in Southern California now. So it’s time to lather up and protect your skin. Imagine how much of a bummer it would be if you burned yourself on day one!
  • Ear Plugs: Now I am sure you’re wondering why this has come up. Well with all my research, I have found out that Tiki Oasis is in fact a party. A party that sometimes goes into the deep hours of the night and sometimes into the mornings. And with room parties, you may be next door to a group of people who have a band playing or have decided they will stay up all night long mixing drinks while in deep discussion about their favorite swizzle stick. So do yourself a favor and bring some ear plugs to get a good night sleep.
  • Shoes: I know that you’re already planning to do this but you’re in for a lot of walking during Tiki Oasis and while getting sun burned on day one is bad, your feet bleeding on day three can be a nightmare. One thing I learned while working music festivals is always have at least 3 comfy pairs of shoes to switch out. One shoe may rub one spot a lot, while another will not rub that same spot but may rub another. By switching between 3 pairs of shoes, you ensure you’re not going to cause a blister by rubbing the same area for 5 days.
  • Moleskin: Now lets say you didn’t take my advice above or you don’t have enough room for 3 pairs of shoes. Moleskin enters the Room When you start finding the ouchy areas of your feet from your shoes rubbing, just cut a patch that is slightly larger than the area being rubbed and throw that on. This will help block this from continuing and can save your feet if you catch it in time.
  • Anti-Acids: You are about to drink some awesome Tiki drinks and the number on thing you can expect to be in them is fruit juice. A lot of the times citrus fruit juice, which you may know can cause some stomach issues. I don’t know about you but acid reflux has a habit of keeping me awake for hours in the night. So I highly recommend you grab yourself some Pepcid AC so you can ensure an easy night sleep and/or recover from the acid burn.

  • Pedialyte: Boy has this one saved me many of times. I remember waking up in the morning after a long night drinking, rolling into a Waffle House hungover but with a Pedialyte in hand. That combo of cheese eggs, a floppy/soggy waffle that resembled a tortilla and Pedialyte has saved me many of times. With the amounts of rum and vodka, you are almost guaranteed to have a hangover and any help will be needed. Pro-tip: get a flavored one and avoid the flavorless one. That one tastes like what I imagine pee would taste like.
  • Cash Money: I get that it is 2021 but with most technology, issues are bound to happen with mobile credit card machines. So when this happens cash is king. On top of that you’re going to want tip money for room parties or you will be right up there with Hitler and people who fart on airplanes. Most hotels have an ATM but they are known to run out within the first day of Tiki Oasis, so be prepared. Also, word is that some bars around Tiki Oasis have cash only lines that are a breeze to get through compared to using a card.
  • K-Cups: I’ve been told (thanks u/vylettefairwell) that the rooms have Keurigs in them so if you’re like my wife and you will be wanted in three states for the murders you will commit thirty minutes into a day without coffee, you’re going to want to grab some. I am sure they will have a few in your room but I’ve also heard word that it may be hard at times to get housekeeping to your room. So for your safety and the safety of others, put a few in your bag. Pro-Tip: if you are flying, do not put these in check luggage as you will come back to a large mess of coffee all in your bag.
  • Swizzle Sticks: Word is there is a meetup where everyone trades the swizzle sticks they got from their drinking adventures. So be sure to grab your extras to bring a long and if you have not been saving your extras, start doing so now!

  • Beach Towels: Things are going to get busy! Every room in the place is going to be someone there for Tiki Oasis this year. So finding yourself a big’o towel can be difficult even at the pool. You may also want to lounge on the awesome lawn Town and Country has. On top of that, it will come in handy for packing any of your fragile items you bought at the market place!
  • Clothes: I mean yeah pack your clothes. Pack your best aloha shirt, your finest swim wear, socks and enough under pants to cover you peeing in them at least once (Better safe than sorry). You’re going to Tiki Oasis and life is short so do not worry what others think. Bring what puts you in that tiki mood. 
  • Tooth Brush and Toiletries: You’re going to be drinking some sweet stuff so as your dentist says every time you see them, “Floss and brush your teeth!” That sugar will rot your teeth! Also don’t forget whatever you need to stay clean. 
  • Fernet Branca: One if the bests things we learned from our bartender friends in San Francisco is never use the first floor bathroom, always go for the second as it’s cleaner. The second best thing we have learned is Fernet Branca can be a life saver for any upset stomachs or morning hangovers. Mind you, it tastes like you just brushed your teeth and drank orange juice. But It will be worth it!

So that’s it! That’s my list so far, what do you think? Is it missing something? Let me know in the comments below! Also keep an eye out for part two where I’ll cover some do’s and don’ts for Tike Oasis. 

Special thanks to vylettefairwell, other r/tiki posters and all the people on the Tiki Oasis Facebook Group for all the help/tips!

Bamboo Brodie
Born in Austin Texas and currently lives in San Francisco CA. I like long drinks in Tiki bars and Spam.

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